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A HUBZone-certified Company


Experienced practicioners in applied economic assessments

OMB A-4, A-123, Executive Orders 12866, 13563, 13272, Regulatory Flexibility Act, Paperwork Administrative Procedures Act, Paperwork Reduction Act, and the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act.

Our Services

Anacostia Consulting Group provides expert assistance in environmental, economic, financial,and public sectors’ services through the utilization of decades’ worth of professional experience

and advanced education. Our knowledge of these requirements improves the effectiveness of your operations, and mitigates harmful impacts to the environment. Anacostia Consulting Group’s extensive background in environmental risk and safety analysis creates a level of service that appeals to both public and private sectors.

Economic tools, analyses, and assessments to fit the need of the project.

The right economic tool for the appropriate assessment

The Anacostia Consulting Group provides your organization with strategic economic analyses relating to the costing and compliance requirements of your project.  Our previous experience with conducting OMB and E.O. –compliant studies allows us to produce a variety economic techniques and analyses.  Our spectrum of knowledge in energy, finance, and regulatory consulting allows us to adhere to the full range our clients demand related to environmental economics. 

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